Tips for Successful Foam Rolling

1- Variety is key! - Just like with strength training and working out, our bodies are master adapters. If you do the same workout for months and months, eventually your body gets really good at that and no longer gets a stimulus to change or adapt. the same can go with foam rolling! Using different textures, densities and objects can be awesome ways to get the most out of foam rolling!

2- Softer is (often) better - One of the biggest misunderstandings with foam rolling is how painful people think it has to be. If you have this fear of foam rolling because it just hurts too much then thats an obvious sign you’re just using too firm of a roll! Using the working out analogy, this would be like doing a bench press with 50 more pounds than you can press, probably not going to end well and is just too much to handle! Do yourself a favor and find a firmness you can feel slightly uncomfortable in but still be able to breathe and relax

3- Don’t overdo it! A lot of the time way too much time can be dedicated to a foam roll regime that takes 15+ minutes to get through. Target the areas you are going to be working out and spend 3-5 minutes tops rolling those areas out before or after activity.


Foam Roll Thoracic Extensions

*Perform 3-5 rockbacks per position

*work your way up vertebrae by vertebrae or around 2-3” and back down

*Should not be painful or go lower than midback


Foam Roll Lats

*Roll up and back + Side to side

*Stick to back half of armpit and behind shoulder

*Add in arm movements to feel different areas


Foam roll pecs

*Place foam roll at angle and target front of pecs

*Avoid rolling over the point of the shoulder


Lat Stretch with Foam ROll


FOam Roll hamstrings

*Split hamstring into an upper half and lower half

*Spend a good amount of time working in each half and in all directions

*Roll up & down, side to side, rotate leg


Foam Roll Glute

*Search for tender spots in glute and side of hip area

*Make the sensation less strong by keeping leg straight

*Bend the knee of the side you’re rolling to make the sensation stronger


Foam Roll Glute Medius & Minimus


Foam Roll TFL


Foam Roll Quads & Hip Flexors

*Roll inside, middle and lateral fibers

*Rotate leg side to side and bend knee up and down to explore around

*Spend most time just above knee and just below hip


Foam Roll Groin/Adductors

*Position foam roller at 45 degrees on the floor and bring one knee up and to the side

*Focusing more towards lower half of thigh if tolerated

*Add in knee bends to increase sensation


Foam Roll Shins

*Keep foam roll to outside edge of shinbone

*Like all areas, avoid rolling over bone, stick to the muscle as much as possible

*Point and flex toe to unglue sticky spots in shin


Upper Body Foam ROll + TPR Routine

*Enjoy this tutorial on my favorite moves using both the foam roll and massage ball to address sore/tight upper body areas!