Introducing the Proteus Machine
Proteus Software delivers the most personalized training insights in history by measuring strength and power with every movement.
Complete a test in as little as 3 minutes.
View Insights. Discover where, how, and why an athlete should train strength, power, and acceleration. See progress. Share results.
Get recommendations to optimize training. Focus the right training on the areas that need improvement.
In the world of sports performance and strength and conditioning never has there been a machine that can give you as much feedback and data as the Proteus. By performing a single sport specific power assessment, athletes can now view exactly how powerful and quickly they can produce force. No matter what sport or position you play each athlete will receive immediate results showing them what areas of their body they are powerful and proficient in and what training interventions are needed to best improve their performance.
This feedback is crucial to maximizing players off-seasons and giving immediate feedback to see if their training is trending in the right direction for their sport performance.
To learn more about the Proteus machine and how it works, please visit or reach out to me directly.