⭐️#FST Friday .
🔹Fascial Stretch Therapy sessions are guaranteed to be an effective, pain free and relaxing way to immediately move and feel better
🔹Being an assisted stretch method it allows the client to lay on a massage table and relax into ranges of motion they never even knew they had!
🔹Whether you are an athlete at any level, a recreational exerciser, someone who wants to continue an active lifestyle through life at any age, a stretching and mobility practice are essential for all!
🔹Do yourself a favor and feel how awesome a Fascial stretch session feels on your mind and body! DM me to book you or someone you know a session!
#KORecovery #KOR #Stretchingforathletes #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #mobility #stretching #stretchtherapist #assistedstretching #gobroncos #bleedblue
⭐️Have you tried everything in the book and still have constant low back pain? Try strengthening your feet!!
🔹Our feet can be a sneaky contributor to all things from peak performance to pain and it is always in your best interest to take care of them so they can take care of you!
🔹Specifically if you’ve always worn extra cushiony shoes or your feet over pronate (no gap underneath inside edge of feet when you walk) this can set off a series of compensatory events that leads to your pelvis dumping forward and putting a lot of pressure on the low back 😫
🔹By strengthening your feet through something as simple as barefoot walking you can help build that medial arch up and take extra undue stress off that low back!
#KORecovery #KOR #Stretchingforathletes #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #footpronation #sweetfeet #chronicpain #lowbackpain #selfhelp #barefootwalking

⭐️Tight groin and inner thigh?— Try This!!!
🔹A overactive and bound up groin area can throw off all sorts of leg actions cause discomfort and eventual knee or hip pain
🔹This 1/2 kneeling groin rockback is a great drill to do before your main leg day lifts or in between sets!
🔹Check it out and let me know how you like it!
#KORecovery #KOR #stretchingforathletes #groin #groinstretch #adductors #mobility #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #gobroncos #bleedblue #boise @boisestatefootball @boisestatebroncos
⭐️Need some spice in your stretching and body care routines? I got you covered❗️
🔹Check out the website in my bio for this weeks #mobilityflow your mind and body will surely thank you 🙌🏼
🔹Think stretching isn’t important? Here’s some of the biggest ways stretching and mobility practice can help you instantly!
🔹More relaxed and calm mind
🔹Less tone and tension in over active muscles 🔹Improved posture 🔹Better form and range of motion while training and working out 🔹Primes your body for a better night sleep or a great way to wake up!
🔹Enhanced body awareness
🔹Weight loss!! No not the stretching itself but the extra calories burned throughout the day cause once your body feels good, you naturally move around more!
Happy Monday everybody!
#KORecovery #KOR #Stretchingforathletes #stretching #mobility #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #boise #boisetherapist #linkinbio #getmoving #bodywork

⭐️FST Friday🙌🏼
🔹Do you or anyone you know complain about how tight their:
Or #groin are? .
🔹I would love to help! I’m back in business and now taking #FST appointments! DM me for your first discounted session and experience the best stretch of your life, guaranteed!!!
#KORecovery #KOR #stretchingforathletes #fascialstretchtherapy #boise #thisisboise #boisetherapist #athleterecovery #gobroncos #BleedBlue #stretching #mobility #nfl #denverbroncos

⭐️Do your shoulders round forward?
🔹Check your Lats with this modified rock back! .
🔹Although they are very important in all kinds of movement, performance and doing cool things like chin ups and pull downs, the lats also have a really important postural function at the shoulder as it is a big player in shoulder rotation
🔹Being an internal rotator, that means it has the ability to roll your shoulders forward into that classic, forward slouched over posture. In fact, you can literally see just how much externally rotating your arm might pull your shoulders and upper back into good posture! . 🔹Heres one way I like to add this rotation to a classic childspose rockback. Rather than keeping my hands down flat on the ground which is a fine stretch on its own, rotate your hands as much as possible so that your thumbs are up or even palms are up to the sky as you do the rockback. This will surely add a lot more sensation to the lat muscle and help out those shoulders a ton!
. 🔹Have questions or want to know how you can learn more about stretching and mobility? Check out my site now for your free 7 Day Trial!
🎶 “Home We’ll Go” Steve Aoki
#KORecovery #KOR #Stretchingforathletes #posture #lats #FST #fascialstretchtherapy #childsposerockback #stretchoftheday #BleedBlue #flexiblity #stretch #mobility #cscs
⭐️Do you stretch your hip flexors daily with the same pain or tightness issues?
Then stop!!! 🛑
🔹It is pretty common knowledge that sitting for long periods of time isn’t ideal as it leaves our muscles feeling tight, especially the muscles on the front side of the body
🔹Lesser known, however, is that these ‘tight’ muscles such as the hip flexors may also be weak which can also give you that tight muscle sensation
🔹So if you find yourself in a endless stretch cycle where you feel like you need to constantly stretch day in and day out then give these strengthening exercises a try! .
#KORecovery #KOR #stretchingforathletes #hipflexors #hipstretch #hipstrengthening #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #prehab #mobility #gobroncos #bleedblue
⭐️Looking for better mobility results? Check this out!
🔹As mentioned earlier, PNF is one of my favorite tools to get clients to expand their usable range of motion, here I describe a specific protocol of PNF- contract relax, agonist contract .
🔹Sounds complicated but watch the first video as I break it down and then the next one to see an example of how I use it for a groin stretch!
🔹Have any questions or stretching/mobility concerns you’d like me to cover? Leave them in the comments!
#KORecovery #KOR #stretchingforathletes #fst #pnf #fascialstretchtherapy #prehab #mobility #groinstretch #educate #movebetter #bleedblue #Stampede20 #gobroncos
⭐️This weeks mobility routine is up! .
🔹Sick and tired of your body feeling 10 years older than it is? Feeling constant aches and pains that are keeping you from playing the sport or activity you love? Do you also have 10 free minutes?
🔹KO Recovery videos are simple 10ish minute routines designed to work out the kinks in your body, move in all planes of motion and provide a practical method to getting more stretching and mobility work in your day that only takes a few minutes. When done consistently I guarantee you will feel much more comfortable in your body and notice an improvement in movement
🔹Click the link in the bio to try out a free 7 day trial! .
#KORecovery #KOR #Stretchingforathletes #linkinbio #mobility #stretching #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #gobroncos #bleedblue #bodycare #boisetherapist #boiseidaho #boisetrainer

⭐️FST Friday!
🔹Calling all rotational athletes! 🏌🏽♀️🏈⚾️🎾🥊🤾🏿
🔹When it comes to generating force from the ground through the body to throw a ball, swing a bat, deliver a punch or through a club it’s critical that your body transfers that force with as few energy leaks as possible!
🔹A common example of an energy leak is rotational restriction of the trail leg during a swing or throw. This places extra rotational demands on the lumbar spine and shoulder which can be inefficient and lead to injury
🔹I love to work on this by having clients perform a side lying throwing motion as I guide their hip through a full rotation at the same time. Improved motion plus it feels amazing!
Happy Friday everybody!
#KORecovery #KOR #stretchingforathletes #hipmobility #rotationalathletes #prehab #fst #fascialstretchtherapy #stretch #boise