Movement assessments

Below are your 8 different assessments you can do to get a good baseline of how your body moves top to bottom. You do not need to do all 8 of them and can select the ones you would like but it is recommended to have a complete picture. Each assessment has a video showing you how to properly perform each test. If possible, see about getting any of the movements recorded on video from one, if not two different angles so that you can assess them accurately. The scoring for each movement is based on a scale, 0-3, heres how it works:

3- You are able to do the movement with no modifications or obvious compensations. Movement feels easy and not painful.

2- Able to complete the movement although there may be a little difficulty or limited range of motion at any point. At no point is anything painful but should notice slight difficulty or lack of range.

1- Unable to do the movement and there are obvious limitations with or without modifications. Exercise feels challenging and areas feel restricted.

0- There is pain present at any point, even if the exercise is “do-able”

*Don’t sweat the small stuff! Really the biggest thing to look for are scores of 1 or 0, don’t worry about if its a 2 or 3!

What do I do once I have my scores?

Once you complete the assessments, review the scores and see where you scored any 0’s or 1’s. If you recorded a 0, it is recommended you see a medical professional that can diagnose any injury and help you treat the cause of pain. If you have any 1’s head over to the ‘Protocol’ page where there are videos of some of my favorite drills and exercises to work on these low score areas! Each video is me walking you through the moves step by step and only takes a few minutes. Click the link below to get started!
